
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Media Technologies

        This week in class we had a discussion about media technologies.  The first four that I thought of are television, radio, printed materials and social media.  Being 40 years old, the first three have been around my entire life…and even before.  The latter, is one that is very popular today; although not as big of a part of my life as it is so many others.

Television has been around for many years, and has changed from floor models to tube televisions that you put on a table, to large screens to flat screens that you hang on the wall.  I can remember having television that had a dial with only the numbers 3 – 12 and you had to get up and turn the dial to change the station from 5, 9, or 12.  I can also remember when channel 19 came out (that you had to tune to channel 3) and it was such a big deal.  Now most people have satellite, or
Very early model television. Wickipedia.com
television received through fioptic cable, offering hundreds of stations…and you don’t have to get up off the couch to change the station.  The funny thing to me is that there are still times when I cannot find anything worth watching.  Television has changed because there are stations that have a target demographic, usually targeted at an age range, education level or sometimes even race.  Because of this, companies are able to pay for their commercials to air on stations and at certain times – or even during specific shows – in order to reach their intended audience.  Pay attention to what you are watching and what commercials show during that show, you may be surprised to find that commercials airing during a sporting event will vary greatly from those aired during your nightly news or those aired on a kids network, such as, Boomerang.  The great thing about television for marketers is that they can reach anyone with a television from ages 2 and up.
Radio has been around even longer than television, and it was originally used on ships in 1891 to improve their safety and reliability (fcc.gov, n.d.).  Although originally used on ships and to transmit important information, radio soon also became a source of entertainment.  My grandpa lived
with us when I was an adolescent and he still listened to “shows” on the radio on the AM frequency.  These were all he had prior to television and the whole family would gather around and listen and use their imagination to picture what was happening.  Much like television, radio has a target audience.  There are stations that play certain types of music which usually targets a primary demographic based on age and sometimes race.  Hip-Hop, Rhythm & Blues, hard rock, oldies, classical, pop, soft-rock, religious and even talk radio are a few of the types of stations offered in my area.  Radio is such a big media technology in my life because my fiancé, dad and an uncle that lived with me growing up, were all musicians or had an affinity for music that the radio was almost always playing in my household growing up, and still is today.  I have gotten to the point that I find it difficult to concentrate when there is silence.  Anyway, I digress…what I was getting to is the fact that radio stations, based on information that is gathered through surveys, can also tell who the majority of their listening audience is by age, income and race; therefore, playing news and commercials they believe will interest the audience, based on that information gathered.
Printed materials were probably the first recorded form of media technology, because even before the invention of the printing press, people were employed as scribes to literally hand-write copies of books and information.  This information, though was held in high regard and available only to the extremely wealthy.  According to Steven Kreis (2012), the invention of printing presses helped bring reliable education and advancements in science, technology and started an “information revolution” (para. 9).  Originally, most print was in the form of scholarly information, but soon led to entertainment in the form of fiction and short story books, as well as, newspapers.  Still today, we have print materials, but in addition to local and national newspapers to inform the public about
current events, we have a wide variety of magazines that cover topics from parenting, men and women’s health, special interest such as cars, weight lifting, and cooking, to news and celebrity gossip.  Print media still has uses of advancing education, technology and science, but it also is used to advertise much more than it was originally.  A very large portion of newspapers and magazines is actually advertisements, which is how they can afford to sell for an affordable price.  Just like with radio and television, marketing professional place ads in magazines that are intended for their target audience.  It is most likely that you won’t see an advertisement for hunting bows in a cooking magazine, but you will see advertisements for hunting bows in Field & Stream.  Although print media has been around for centuries, many publishers are having financial difficulty and most people attribute it to the internet and some even attribute it to social media.
Social media is a product of the invention of the internet and is great because it allows people to easily share information, pictures and video with people all over the world.  In addition, people are not only to keep in touch with family and friends all over the world; but they are also able to meet people they would never have the opportunity to meet without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to travel.  Social media websites all have an intended audience, just like the other previously discussed media technologies.  Companies are able to use social media in order to educate people about their products and services.  You can now order products online without ever stepping foot outside of your house.  Although there are many positive forms of communication and uses of social
media, the people now have a voice.  Previously, businesses had the upper hand when it came to a voice.  With social media, people have the ability to post information about their positive or negative experiences, which can result in many lost sales or even customers.  The following link is an example of a viral video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo.  Most people had probably never heard of Sons of Maxwell, but he turned this experience into a book and is hired for speaking events.  This caused the company some bad publicity, but they have survived and are still in business.  The portrayal of the information is always an important factor as to how people will respond to social media.  The humor used and proof of the incident all helped this man’s cause.  Many young people today do not think about how they are being portrayed to the world and how their portrayal of self can affect their future.  I personally know individuals that have been passed over for job opportunities because of the images, videos and posts on their social media page(s).
With each of the four media technologies that I have chosen to write about today, I have to say that they have all affected my life greatly.  Although I believe they will continue to change, I believe their existence will continue for many years to come.


Federal Communications Commission (n.d.)  A short history of radio with an inside focus on mobile radio. Retrieved on April 12, 2015. Retrieved from http://transition.fcc.gov/omd/history/radio/documents/short_history.pdf

Kreis, S, 2012.  The printing press. The History Guide. Retrieved on April 11, 2015.  Retrieved from http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/press.html

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